Our Process

Bespoke services to ensure your project runs with efficiency and minimal stress

The Process

How We Work


Once you have expressed interest we review the planning potential of your land.


Depending on the suitability, we will then make an offer setting out some expectations in terms of size, scale and timeframe.


Once we have agreed terms, both sides instruct solicitors to form the contract. We will cover all reasonably incurred professional costs.


Whilst you continue to use the land, we promote the site through the planning system, all at our own cost. We include the landowner as much or as little in the process as they want.


Once we have achieved a planning permission, we will agree a marketing strategy with the owner.


Once all the bids for the site are received, together we select a preferred party to purchase the site.

Sale Completed

When the site is sold, the proceeds are distributed between the Landowner and Promoter on a percentage basis, ensuring that everyone is motivated to secure the highest land value possible.
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